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Hey Shovel, I just went to a keg party and I thjink I saw Naked Nancy ya know the girl that keeps on writing about how she likes to ride naked. The partyy was just out side of gainesville at a park off I-75 but everyone I talk to came from at least 50 miles or so to get there. I tried to talk to her but she was busy riding naked with another chick. A freind told me that you have been trying to find out about her. The nmext keg party is this weekend if she is there I will find out for sure.

Re: No Subject

god i love it when people look out for each other. yes please do if you see her again evo and i have a bet going on as to where nancy comes from. let us know.

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Hey Shovel, I just went to a keg party and I thjink I saw Naked Nancy ya know the girl that keeps on writing about how she likes to ride naked. The partyy was just out side of gainesville at a park off I-75 but everyone I talk to came from at least 50 miles or so to get there. I tried to talk to her but she was busy riding naked with another chick. A freind told me that you have been trying to find out about her. The nmext keg party is this weekend if she is there I will find out for sure.