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Hey Shovel, I ride a 67' FL and it is all original including the seat. No electric start. It kicks easy for me but when a freind tryed to do it he went flying off the bike right over the handle bars. I have never seen anything like it have you? Also do you know if I can put a newer style seat on without changing anything else?

Re: Shovels

that is what us shovel riders live for the chance to see a pantywaistpushbuttonpremadonapieceofshit kick start our old iron. if you don't know how to do it, it can really hurt. my bitch has gotten me accouple times never launched but ripped two heels of my right boot. yes seat companies do understand that we are more unique than the others so they make seats with our type of mounting needs. unless you mount between the tanks then it might get tricky. good luck

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Hey Shovel, I ride a 67' FL and it is all original including the seat. No electric start. It kicks easy for me but when a freind tryed to do it he went flying off the bike right over the handle bars. I have never seen anything like it have you? Also do you know if I can put a newer style seat on without changing anything else?