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Hey Shovel and Evo, I like the storie about Hannah. Is she a stripper or not? I know shes not real but what a woman. I have been married for many years to a smart woman, give me stupid everytime. I read your survey, is there anyone who thinks that these two should not be exucuted? They won't get away with it. F.T.W. I mean both Fuck the world and forever two wheels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Favorite Mag: X-rods

Re: Evo

as for all of our hogsters they are from real people that evo and i know. in real life "hanah" is a stripper. i'm married to the original blonde polack i'd love to be with a smart woman. but the lock gives me so many ideas for articles i just can't get rid of her. besides she was only 2 years off the boat from europe when i met her. european weman know what the score is their culture is a hell of a lot older then we are.

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Replying to:

Hey Shovel and Evo, I like the storie about Hannah. Is she a stripper or not? I know shes not real but what a woman. I have been married for many years to a smart woman, give me stupid everytime. I read your survey, is there anyone who thinks that these two should not be exucuted? They won't get away with it. F.T.W. I mean both Fuck the world and forever two wheels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!