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I say hang that varmint high as all hell! If kill'n is good enuff for him, well then it's good enuff fer me! No reason I can think of ta let'em live!!!

Re: Survey

righr on evo.

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Replying to:

I say hang that varmint high as all hell! If kill'n is good enuff for him, well then it's good enuff fer me! No reason I can think of ta let'em live!!!

Re: Re: Survey

Hey Shovel, You're not supposed to tell anyone about my alter ego!

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Replying to:

righr on evo.

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Replying to:

I say hang that varmint high as all hell! If kill'n is good enuff for him, well then it's good enuff fer me! No reason I can think of ta let'em live!!!

Favorite Mag: I tripped over it