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X-Roads Story!

I was reading something in x-roads the other day and I'm a little concerned. whats all this about hannah working as a stripper. Is she or isn't she. If she is a stripper please tell me where she works cause if she looks anything like the cartoon character i'll be sporting wood till i see her and then things might get messy. I'm in lust with Hannah!!!

Re: X-Roads Story!

get in line. if you see hannah in real life you'll want to go home and kick the shit out of your girfriend. she made evo and i promise never to tell where she works. as pretty as she is she already has a very large client list if we published the poor girl would be over run. stay tuned for even more about hannah. keep it vertical.

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Replying to:

I was reading something in x-roads the other day and I'm a little concerned. whats all this about hannah working as a stripper. Is she or isn't she. If she is a stripper please tell me where she works cause if she looks anything like the cartoon character i'll be sporting wood till i see her and then things might get messy. I'm in lust with Hannah!!!