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I found you on the net and then I read you in a Mag. I have a question: I own a 68' FL and I'm looking for a Transmission. I'm not sure if I should try and rebuild the one I have as a back up? Also where can I find a new one. I really want the bike to be as stock as possible altough I'm told upgrading the trans may give me some extra zip. What do you think? If any of your readers have an opinion on this it would be well received! Thanks bro......

Favorite Mag: Internet

Re: Transmissions

yes upgrading would give you some zip off the line and if you go to a 5 speed more on the top end. as where to find one i don't really know where to send you other then walnecks "hope i spelled it right" it's a mag sort of like cycle trader. good luck and let me know how it went. later