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I have not seen you or Evo on the show for the past few weeks. Are you on vacation! If so please let me no> I miss you guys. I guess I will have to read about ti in Crossroads as soon as I get the new one. I hope your new story is a good one. Hope to see you soon...Shawna

Favorite Mag: Mag

Re: Tv

hi shawna i am happy to let you know that we are not and i repeat not on vacation. maybe i'll go to germany for christmas but thats something different. EVOand i are no longer involved with the t.v. show or the mag. but we haven't forgotten about all freaks out there yearning for some real entertianmemt from real bikers not the crypt keeper. EVO and i are planning a whole bunch of **** to keep you sicko's happy and feeling bubbly "**** did i just say that" we are planning some vids so you can see how sexy i am and how goofy EVO looks so stay tuned andstay in touch cause it's going to come fast.