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The Kimby Fore-um

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The Kimby Fore-um
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10 May 2005 - Wexham Park

Newport (25 h'cap) 39 points
Boothroyd (26) 28 points
Westcott (21) 30 points

2 birdies for Newport...

Re: Scores

Ooooh, somebody's on fire!

**** on him quick, and put out the flames of golf...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

10 May 2005 - Wexham Park

Newport (25 h'cap) 39 points
Boothroyd (26) 28 points
Westcott (21) 30 points

2 birdies for Newport...

Re: Re: Scores

25 is looking generous, for the record (geddit??)