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Shovels vid

Hey Shovel, We seen Evo and Shovel viodeo when do we see Shovel and Evo? I saw the Tv show you were on and you were good. I wish you were still on. I Know someone who says she knopws you. Her name is anastaisia. I think I spelled it right. She says that you are making another video. You are my favorite biker, keep the rubber side down! "Jen" P.S. I ride a Superglide too but it's an Evo, Sorry couldn't get a Shovel

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Re: Shovels vid

Well first off thank you for those kind words. Evo and i are trying to get another vid. out to you guys but thats been alittle difficult. But we are trying. **** glad to hear we have another B.i.B. "bitches in the breeze". you to keep it vertical.