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Your mag

Hey Shovel, You guys are reaally doing it. I love your new mag. It seems to be groewing every month. I have been following it from the beginning. I can't wait for you to do some bike features they will br great. also get some neked woman and you will have the coolest Mag. All the new story was great but tell Evo I want to know what he was talking about in the story titled Evo speaks. He's not a old school bro is he...............Shovelheads Forever, Jim

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Re: Your mag

I haven't been able to get him on the phone yet. I'm with you It's focking weird but thats EVO. He calls it on the cutting edge I call it too much pharmacuticals in his early life. His idea of old school is the place where Abraham Lincoln walked ten miles to get to. the mag is doing quite well thankyou, every month we are getting alittle bit more used to it and more comfortable with it. see ya